

董事总经理 - 保险,英国和爱尔兰

詹姆斯是埃森哲东南亚金融服务集团的董事总经理。涵盖了20多年的行业经验,詹姆斯在银行和保险领域领导了许多复杂的系统实施项目,是下一代中央银行的主题专家。他的专业领域包括核心银行,保险索赔,定制开发,数据分析和分布式分区技术(DLT)。Some of his work accomplishments are: Co-lead for Project Ubin, a multiphase experimentation and innovation project with the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and Singapore’s financial services industry since 2016. Lead for several DLT projects in SEA such as Business-to-Partner (B2P) for Procure-to-Pay on Corda. Lead for numerous core banking platform transformation across 7 countries in Asia Pacific. James graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering as well as a degree in software engineering. He is based in Singapore.
